Hannah Bullivant - Interior Design

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10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in May

HURRAY, MAY! Warmer weather has been unusually late in the UK but it’s here and to that we say YES. I have been sitting in my garden every morning and soaking up all the magic Spring energy. The leaves on the trees are entering adolescence and are a joy to watch with all their bounding growth. The ground is coursing with life, and the insects and birds are milling about happily, in increasing numbers. 

I have been focussing on internalising and expressing this burst of magnificent creativity and energy, after a very long introspective winter. The sun just feels like the most welcome, healing blessing at the moment and I am turning my face toward it at every opportunity. #suntherapy 

Spring weather is historically much more temperate and reliable than summers fickle effort, so remember to get outside and enjoy it as much as possible!

10 brilliant things to make, do and celebrate in May

  1. Wake early to hear the dawn chorus. Today, readers, is dawn chorus day! Which means these next couple of weeks are the best time to enjoy the dawn chorus. Sleep with your windows open and let the sound wake you up in the morning. Or set an alarm. Go outside or open the windows wide to enjoy it first thing, before the other sounds of the day compete with it.

  2. Start a simple outdoor meditation practice. I really do mean simple. Take your morning brew to the garden and leave your phone inside. Lie on a blanket, sit on the back step or stand barefoot on the grass. Close your eyes and just listen to and focus on the smells and sounds of the wildlife and people starting their days around you. It is my very favourite way to start the day. Even if you only manage 2 uninterrupted minutes, its wonderful.

  3. Visit a Rapeseed field. The bright yellow fields of rapeseed are in full flower and are one of those spectacles of nature that make my heart soar. Grab your camera, you're going to want to capture their glory!

  4. Find the bluebells. The bluebells are officially out and if you’re quick, you’ll catch them at their best.

  5. Sort out your wardrobe. Go through your wardrobe and store your winter woolies. Deter moths by making sure clothes are clean and put some cedar balls and sheets of lavender scented paper in there too. Donate or discard anything which you no longer like, or is beyond repair. Air summer clothes outside before hanging in your wardrobe. Donate anything which you feel a bit ‘meh’ about; you probably wont reach for it anyway, and a simple wardrobe of stuff that you love is surprisingly energising.

  6. Seek out the Night Jars. Nightjar birds migrate to the South of the UK from Africa from April and in the north of England and central Scotland in May and early June. They make the weirdest, most mesmerising chirring sound and you'll spot them at dusk and dawn. You can hear it here.

  7. Sow Flowers: It's finally tiiiiiime! It's warm enough to finally sow seeds directly into the soil and we have been scattering our flower seeds with abandon (I realise we may regret it- but we're going for a wild look anyway!)

  8. Keep cleaning and cleaRing. Yeeep, like a broken record, I’m gonna keep talking about this. See my instagram stories highlights on my ‘bit by bit’ decluttering method! Even if you only manage a few things a day, its always worth it.

  9. Eat British Asparagus and wild garlic. The season for British Asparagus is quite short so enjoy it whilst you can. We have been girdling it then drizzling with a simple lemon dressing and oh my.

  10. Make a May crown. May was traditionally a cause for a huge celebration, and although May day has come and gone (we gave our posies as usual) theres no reason not to keep the celebrations going all month.


There are still places on my Spring Day retreat in my home on Saturday 19th May.

A chance to channel all this Spring energy, and reflect on hw the year has passed so far. Coaching session led by Ray Dodd focussed on decluttering our minds. I’ll talk about decluttering our spaces, and will also teach you how to make a mossed, fresh spring flower wreath. There will be delicious nutritious food and cake. Ticket to Spring Day Retreat here. 

Aaaand we also finalised the agenda for the 3 day retreat I am co-hosting at Elmley Nature Reserve in July! 

Click here for the full breakdown.

But think: gorgeous bell tents or shepherds huts in a drop dead gorgeous wilderness nature reserve in Kent. Sessions on scented candle making, journalling, creating sustainable wellbeing routines, screen printing, dried summer wreath making, plus daily yoga and meditation sessions, a safari around the reserve and delicious vegan food on tables styled by me..... I have had such fun pulling my perfect retreat together! 

Happy Maaaay!

In Embracing The Seasons