Hannah Bullivant - Interior Design

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10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in October!

October greetings. Oh my! October is my birthday month, and the queen of the Autumn season so I am PUMPED for this month! Mid-thirties, here I come! 

September has been an adjusting, transitory month for us. We have been feeling our way into a new school year, new routines and new work rhythms. Workshop season has kicked off for me, and I have listed 4 already (which are selling fast!) including my first ever online LIVE wreath workshop, plus the option to get a physical kit! I’m so excited! Check them all out here. October also marks the start of the final quarter of the year, so, as part of my Life Book goals and plans, I took myself off to a cafe and had a quarterly thinking and planning sesh. You can read my free guide on doing a quarter-point review, and get my free quarterly planning sheet over here. (It’s kind and realistic) 🧡​

We have been leaf spotting, candle lighting and Autumn playlist- listening, and are feeling suitably golden tingled and seasonal as a result. 🍂💆🏻​

However. If the final quarter feels like it’s come from nowhere, if you haven’t made progress on your January goals, take heart. The ever increasing pressure of the corporate Christmas machine can make us feel like these last 3 months are simply the countdown to spend fest. If you feel like you haven’t got to where you wanted to get to this year,  remember that there are still nearly 3 months left of this year. There’s still time for beautiful, surprising, wondrous things to happen in 2019. And that happening might simply be a recognition of all the ways you have grown and changed since last year. Winter can be a really rich, creative season too!

Here are 10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in the month ahead!

  1. Make a plan for the last quarter of the year. Look back at the previous quarter and chalk up your lessons learned. Take a sec to ground yourself right here, right now. Then pick a couple of things you’d love to get done in the next 3 months. Talk kindly to yourself! Lots more guidance in my free guide here

  2. Make an Autumn leaf garland. Ours is up in the kitchen, and both kids are collecting leaves each time they step outside (I keep having to secretly throw them in the garden because there are so many!) hanging them up is a lovely way to display them.

  3. Go leaf hunting/crunching. Just take in all the colours and transitory beauty. Be that person who stops and just looks up at the trees.

  4. October is Black history month. If you’re White, here are some ways that White people can be better allies, not just this month but always. Juuust in case it isn't clear, here’s an article about why a White History month would be ridiculous. The same argument applies to “racism against White folk.” Not a thing, folks, and if this is news you have work to do.

  5. October is also the month in which the UK is scheduled to leave the EU. I believe this will be catastrophic for the British people and we’ll be left with a huge financial, cultural and ecological deficit. A big Brexit demonstration is happening on Saturday the 19th October. Do please continue to write to your MP (there are templates here https://www.bestforbritain.org/. Don’t forget to register to vote and especially encourage the young people and students in your life to do so.

  6. Starting Monday, October 7, for 2 weeks, activists will gather in major cities across the globe and continue to rebel against the world’s governments for their baffling and criminal inaction on the Climate and Ecological Crisis. Join them if you can, and/or sign this international petition to make Ecocide a crime.

  7. Cosy up at home. Feather your nest. And If you feel the need for a refresh at home, (no need to spend anything for this!) change art, pillows or accessories around, and layer up the sofas and beds with blankets and cozy textures. Light alllll the candles too (safely, obvs). As I type this, there is a candle burning on my desk and it is so lovely.

  8. Prepare for Halloween, or Samhain, if you celebrate it. Do you fancy hosting a spooky afternoon tea?! or maybe putting together some treats for trick or treaters?! Maybe you want to dress up too! We love watching vintage corny scary films with a delicious roasted squash curry.

  9. Start saving for Christmas. I know, the C-word. But if you celebrate it, it can get quite spendy! We use Starling bank (not sponsored!) and they have the option to create saving ‘spaces’ which hold the money separate to your overall balances. So clever.

  10. Similarly, if you want Christmas to be less consumerist and expensive, now is the time to suggest things like a secret Santa, no gifts, just experiences, a £5 limit, just kids, only handmade etc. Christmasses are so so much easier since we did this.


Wreath season is well and truly here! I have announced three in-person Winter workshops in Faversham and London so far with more to be announced! I will also be teaching some Christmas dinner table styling and decoration workshops too. But before we get too carried away with Christmas, I also have a very special Autumn class coming up.....

Online LIVE Foraged Autumn Wreath masterclass!

After floating the idea of an Autumn wreath class in my home, I actually decided to host it online for the first time ever! This will enable many more people to attend, from all over the world! Aaaaaand I also decided to offer a version that comes with a wreath-making kit too! I am so excited about this. The class comprises of 3 modules, and will be held on Thursday 17th October at 8 pm, but if you can’t make it a replay will be sent to everyone so you can watch me forever and ever ; )

If you want the make it yourself kit, you must order before THIS WEDNESDAY AT 3PM! Link for more information and tickets here. The online class is only £26, and the online class plus kit and postage to the UK is £60. There is a gorgeous handmade surprise for the first 15 people who sign up to the kit option (this is half sold out already so be quick if you’d like one!)

Have a wonderful October!
