How we're celebrating the summer solstice, the longest day, LOCKDOWN VERSION!


This Saturday is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and it’s s wonderful thing to Celebrate. I usually suggest having friends over, and whilst this may be possible with social distancing, it isn’t for us with the kids, so it’ll just be the 4 of us. This is how we’re planning to celebrate it! My newsletter subscribers got this first (are you signed up yet?) but I wanted to put it here too.

The longest day of the year is this weekend, the summer solstice. My kids have been excited for solstice since May (true story- but because they know they get treats!) and below is what we’re planning. Taking some time to focus on the seasonal shift; to notice the huge abundance evident in the natural world at the moment, is such a soul lifting thing to do. I’m not religiously Pagan, but I love marking these seasonal turning points.

  • Flowers: I’ll fill the house with lots of garden flowers and grasses

  • Gifts: A few summer gifts for the kids- it’s always stuff they need like a sun hat and a shorts playsuit- both eBay bargains. Plus some bath bombs in strawberry shapes from Lush. Plus a frisbee and some little beanbags for playing with outside.

  • Books: I’ll get out our summer themed books and wrap them up, and put away the spring books and any others that haven’t been touched recently. We’ll read a few of the summer books outside if the weather is nice. We might watch some kids science youtube videos about the longest day of the year too.

  • Food! The best bit! we’re going to feast on seasonal summer food. Ice cream, strawberries, salads, a barbecue. Mmm

  • Fire! We’ll light a fire in our fire pit, let the kids stay up late and toast marshmallows. We’ll also do some really simple journalling prompts, writing down some things we want to let go and attract then throw them in the fire.

  • A wreath: I’ll make a summer flower wreath with Frankie.

  • Goals check in. I’ll also use the midyear point to check in on my yearly goals and do a bit of a review too.

Summer Solstice Sale!

To celebrate the summer solstice I am selling my A Soulful Gathering e-book with my online wreath making course for £20 (usually £46)! for 3 days only.  Click here to get your bundle! If you just want the wreath class, I am also selling my online class for £15 instead of £26! Get that one here.

Solstice blessings to you all

P.S Did you see i’m running another live round of The Fresh Nest Challenge?! We start on Friday! Join in here.

Hannah Bullivant

Interior designer & stylist. Soulful styling. Nurturing Spaces.

My simple, achievable and ridiculously simple decluttering method


10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in May- lockdown version!