Now closed until 2025

Start 2024 in a calm decluttered home

January doesn’t have to suck! It can be a hopeful restorative month My 4 week January refresh will help you to clear and curate your home so that it actively supports the life you want to live.

If you are done with…

  • sinking into a post-Christmas slump at home

  • your home feeling the OPPOSITE of a calm and nurturing haven for you and your family

If you would like:

  • to banish some of the clutter in your home so that the things you actively WANT in your home can actually be seen and enjoyed.

  • to finally sort out your storage so that you know where everything is and it all has a home.

  • guidance in setting goals for the New Year that are ACTUALLY DOABLE. Goals that are based on kindness and reality.

  • daily support that encourages you to retreat in your very own home.

  • to join a gentle, nurturing community of folk all seeking a gentle January.

    It’s possible!

The January Refresh is designed to help you to start 2024 feeling nurtured and purposeful at home.

I’m in! Sign me up!

January Bonus

Investing in the e-course will also automatically give you access to my wildly popular but now retired January Book e-course

(later called The life Book).

So…what is The January Book?!

This is a planning and review process my husband and I came up with 13 years ago. Over this decade of trial and error, we have designed a system that results in meaningful reflection and planning with heart: a system that really works. It has become integral to the happiness of well, everything. It combines great big dreaming with really practical planning in a gentle, accessible format. It’s all about making goals that feel good (rather than like punishments) and it’s totally adaptable. I’m incredibly proud of this process, which is rooted in radical kindness, harnesses the power of our feelings and embraces change and flexibility. 

During the month of January, I will become your companion in your pocket, helping you to create kind goals for the year, clear the clutter in your home and curate a home that supports your dreams in 2024.

This e-course is all about goal setting for non-perfect people. The January Book works really well alongside The January Refresh.

Ok, lets recap: The 4-week January Refresh covers:

  • 4 themed weeks of decluttering content

  • Daily emails with prompts

  • Regular pep-talk voice notes via free voice note app, Voxer.

  • A Facebook community for accountability and support

  • BONUS Access to The January Book- a goal-setting and planning mini-course that works perfectly with the January Refresh. This used to be charged at £220!

I seriously cannot wait for January, and I want to help you feel the same!


All e-course places are non-refundable.

Join me for a Joyful January!

We start (very gently!) on Tuesday 2nd Jan (but you’ll have access to the goal setting material immediately)

Let's DO THIS!

What’s involved?

We will focus on one area per week with tasks that can be accomplished in 1 day a week (which can be spread through the week). You’ll get an email to start your week off, then daily emails and prompts to keep you going, plus access to a private Facebook community where you can ask me questions and I’ll continue to support you.

Week 1 will be focused on our kitchen and dining area

Week 2 will be focused on the living area

Week 3 will be focused on your bedroom

Week 4 is focused on the bathroom

For parents of school ages kids, this refresh will be family-friendly with optional kids tasks thrown in. The re-fresh can work around your existing schedule and childcare.

There is a lot of flexibility with each task so you can do more or less and move to adjacent rooms if you have time.


2-day Blitzes!

You also have the option to opt into a couple of 2-day blitzes! This is perfect for those wanting to tackle a big job QUICKLY! One is focused on kids’ toys and one is focused on hobbies, crafts and books. You can opt in to these whenever works for you.

Everything I do is overwhelm-friendly so there will always be tasks for those tight on time and tasks for those with more time.

The 4-week re-fresh will see us focus on each area of your home. From the back of kitchen cupboards to the pile of crap that’s been mouldering in a corner in the bedroom; from pen pots to underwear drawers, books and toy boxes; we’ll work through as much as possible working within your time and energy capabilities.

It’s the gentle loving butt kick you need to get your home sorted. 😉

I’ll take you through my overwhelm-friendly methods of making actual tangible change in your home in my daily prompts, weekly emails, and daily notes.

I always offer Pay What You Can Spaces for those that want to join in. Just send me an email to arrange this (there’s no interview or anything like that)

T’s & C’s: The e-course is non refundable.

Q & A

When does it start?

Tuesday 2nd January (But verrrrry gently, I promise)

I’ll have my kids around, will I be able to take part?

That’s totally cool, this is designed to be overwhelm-friendly, and the daily and weekly tasks will include tips on how to encourage the kids to join in! Yes, really!

How much time will I need?

I recommend setting aside 1 day total per week to get the most out of it. This is spread into daily 20-60 min tasks, which are customisable and flexible.

I work full-time, will I have time?

I’ve designed the program to be really flexible, you can dip in and out when you need, and there are different levels of task for each day. I encourage you to try to make 20 mins a day min to get the most out of the course, but lots of folk catch up at weekends and on days off. etc.